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Day 1 CPT Universities

Best Accredited Day 1 CPT Universities in the U.S.

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Apply to Top Day 1 CPT Universities and Secure Your Work Authorization

“Day 1 CPT Universities” are educational institutions offering programs that support Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization from the first day of the academic program. These universities provide career-oriented programs that consider CPT an essential part of their curriculums. By enrolling in a Day 1 CPT school, international students are able to continue their professional and educational development in the United States in a legal way

Enrolling in a Day 1 CPT university is a great option for you if you are: 

(1) an F-1 student whose OPT is about to expire; 
(2) an H-1B visa holder who was laid off and is facing challenges in finding new employment; 
(3) an F-1 student who needs an urgent transfer;
(4) an F-1 student whose OPT application was denied;
or (5) an H-4/F-2/B/L/J visa holder who aims to work while studying in the U.S.

Choosing a suitable Day 1 CPT school and program can significantly reduce the risks you might encounter in future immigration applications. When choosing a Day 1 CPT school and program, it is important to consider factors such as geographic location, program specialization, tuition fees, on-site frequency, and enrollment windows.

However, the importance of each factor may vary based on individual circumstances. If you need a personalized assessment for matching you with a suitable Day 1 CPT school and program, book a free consultation with us. Our experienced consultants will reach out to you within 2 business days


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